Best Law Coaching in Jaipur
क्या आप भी JUDICIARY CLEAR करना चाहते हैं?
आज ही जुडिये राजस्थली लॉ इंस्टिट्यूट से, और पूरा करें अपना लक्ष्य


One to one

mains test series

Doubt solving
1000+ Selections.
30+ Course
Always a Leader in Law & Judiciary
- Degrees
- Certificate
- Judge
- District Judge
Discover Our Courses

UP TO Selection batch
- Bachelor's Degree
- 3 Years

TARGET Batch – Only For APO
- Bachelor's Degree
- 12 Months
Degree + RJS

3 Year Program for Professional Degree
- Bachelor's degree
- 3 Year Program

1 Year & 2 Year Program for Master’s Degree
- Bachelor's degree
- 1 YEAR & 2 YEARS

Rajasthali Law Institute is One of the most prominent Institute in Jaipur for judicial coaching . We want our pupils to study the significance of judges and the judiciary in our nation. We have one of the most prestigious faculties in the industry for judicial coaching. At Rajasthali Law Institute, we place a greater emphasis on high-quality instruction and provide our candidates for the judiciary services with the greatest online coaching programs. For this reason, we introduced a hybrid form of instruction where students can alternate between online and offline modes as needed. Among the many advantages of our online course Judiciary Coaching are live lectures, recorded lectures, online mock exams, extensive study guides, one-on-one doubt-clearing sessions, and much more.
Rajasthali Law Institute is one of the most imaginative Legal executive Training in Jaipur. We feel happy to report our web based training for legal/legal executive administrations. Rajasthali Law Institute figures out the worth of season of a Legal/Legal executive Wannabe. Subsequently, we furnish our understudies with Half and half mode classes, permitting them to switch among on the web and disconnected mode on a case by case basis. In the past, this helped thousands of Judicial/Judiciary Aspirants who were unable to attend in-person lectures due to unanticipated circumstances. In this way, we chose to take our legal executive classes on the web. Throughout the course, we also give our students a Lenovo tab to help them with everything they need at any time. This drove us to arrive at considerably more understudies across India who needed to accomplish their fantasies about becoming prestigious legal executive authorities. It likewise assisted our understudies with going to our web-based legal executive instructing classes from their solace and safe zone. Our web-based legal executive instructing takes care of a large number of points to assist our legal up-and-comers with learning all the more really.
Our Toppers

M.K. Singh is a prominent figure in the field of legal education and has been serving as the Chairman of the Rajasthali Law Institute since 2008. Under his able leadership, the institute has witnessed remarkable growth and success in producing accomplished legal professionals.
With a vision to provide top-notch legal education, M.K. Singh has tirelessly worked towards creating an environment that fosters excellence in legal studies. His commitment to quality education is reflected in the institute’s track record of producing successful candidates in various law exams, including Additional District Judge (ADJ), Rajasthan Judicial Services (RJS), Judicial Law Officer (JLO), among others.
M.K. Singh’s legacy as the Chairman of the Rajasthali Law Institute will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations of legal professionals, leaving an indelible mark on the legal community and beyond.
Institute amenities









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What our students's says ?
असफल होने से मत घबराइए मैं कई बार साक्षात्कार तक पहुँची थी लेकिन कभी एक अंक से तो कभी दो अंक से असफल होती रही थी । परन्तु मैंने यह ठान लिया था कि एक न एक दिन न्यायिक मजिस्ट्रेट या ए. डी. जे. बन कर रहुँगी। राजस्थली के नोट्स और मेरे द्वारा बनाये गये संक्षिप्ति नोट्स मेरी सफलता में सहायक सिद्ध हुए। राजस्थली की साक्षात्कार की क्लासेज का भी मेरी सफलता में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान रहा है। बार-बार असफलत होने के पश्चात भी धैर्य के साथ पुनः तैयारी प्रारम्भ की थी । आज मैं अंतिम रूप से चयनित होकर अत्यन्त प्रसन्न हूँ ।

मैने करीब 2 वर्ष से अधिक समय तक नियमित तैयारी की थी। राजस्थली के आर.जे. एस. नोट्स का मुझे बहुत लाभ मिला, एम.के. सिंह सर से लॉ की कठिन अवधारणाओं बहुत अच्छी तरह समझा था, जो आर. जे. एस. की प्रतियोगी परीक्षा में उच्च रैंक लाने में मील का पत्थर साबित हुई थी ।

मैं सबसे पहले राजस्थली लॉ इंस्टिट्यूट और एम. के. सिंह सर को अपनी उपलब्धि का श्रेय देना चाहता हूँ। आर.ए.एस परीक्षा के लिये मैने लॉ एवं लोकप्रशासन विषय चुना हालांकि मेरा कोई लॉ बैकग्राउण्ड नहीं रहा फिर भी एम. के. सिंह सर द्वारा इतना आसान तरीके से लॉ पढ़ाया गया की मैने अपने प्रथम प्रयास में राजस्थान पुलिस सेवा में उच्च रैंक हासिल की। मैं अपने बैच का सबसे कम उम्र का पुलिस अधिकारी हूँ ।

Find The Best Features Of Rajasthali Group Of Institutions

Talented Faculty
Classroom learning with India’s Best Teachers for Commerce, Law, Management and Other Government Exams.

Top Educational Content
Expert-curated Study Material, Practice Papers, and Classroom Exercises.

Periodic Evaluation Tests
Periodic tests to evaluate learner’s Performance and make Improvement Plans.

Teaching Methodology
Developed over 17+ years, Rajasthali's Teaching Methodology yields Consistently Best Results.

Daily Doubt Counter
Doubt Counters that open twice every day, in the morning and evening.

Counseling And Mentorship
Career guidance by supportive mentors to give direction to learners’ dreams and aspirations.

Rajasthali Group Of Law Institutions
Welcome to Rajasthali Group Of Law Institutions - RJS, JLO, ADJ, CLAT, P.HD, BA.LLB LLM etc Exam Preparations at affordable price. Rajasthali Law Of Institutes Follows a unique tested methodology,which helps students to achieve their dreams of cracking their exams.

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